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Welcome to

Assistance League

"Caring and Commitment  Action"

Assistance League chapters can be found across the United States. There are 115 chapters and guilds in 26 states, with over 24,000 members giving the gift of community service as envisioned by our predecessors. The purpose of Assistance League chapters/guilds is to provide services in individual communities through philanthropic projects. Through the gift of service to their communities, chapters of Assistance League continue to fulfill the philosophy of volunteer service across the United States. Effective community service is the focus of Assistance League's mission. Each chapter is guided in the process of reviewing its respective local needs and developing community projects targeted to those needs. Projects are evaluated every year to maintain cost effectiveness and chapter member satisfaction. Every day thousands of children and adults receive services through the following programs: school clothing to children; reading enrichment; scholarships and camperships; summer schools; substance abuse prevention, self-care education to latchkey children; college entrance exam reviews; services for youth with special needs; education for the prevention of physical assault and abuse; and youth clubs. Assisteens membership is open to young people in grades 7 to 12. The aims of participation are to develop a sense of community responsibility, self-reliance, personal responsibility, poise, public speaking and leadership skills. Assisteens raise money to fund ongoing philanthropic projects to benefit the community. Operation School Bell is now the national philanthropic project of Assistance League. Since its inception, Operation School Bell has provided new clothing, including jackets and shoes, to over one million elementary school children.


© 2013 by PTSA

"Joining Together-Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders Today! Helping Young People Lead Safe, Healthy, Responsible and Contributing Lifestyles!"

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