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Welcome to

The International

Order of the Rainbow for Girls 

"A Rainbow of Opportunities"

Rainbow is a non-profit, service-oriented organization that teaches girls three basic virtues: Faith in a Supreme Being and other people, having Hope in all that they do, and Charity toward others. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is an organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20, who are from Masonic, Eastern Star, or Amaranth homes, or are the friends of members of Rainbow. The seven colors of the Rainbow are used to represent seven teachings that each member receives on her journey toward the pot of gold. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls emphasizes the following : (1) Effective Leadership; (2) Church Membership and active Participation in the church of your choice; (3) Patriotism; (4) Cooperation with Equals; (5) Love of Home; (6) Loyalty to Family and; (7) Service to Humanity. Its purpose is to promote effective community leadership skills and, most importantly, service to humanity. Members of Rainbow are active in their churches, schools, and communities. They raise money for various charities through bake sales, dinners and car washes, and they extend themselves in service to their communities, churches and their sponsoring organizations. Rainbow Girls have many fun activities and opportunities to make lifelong friendships. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls helps promote self-esteem and leadership in its members. As a member, a girl will learn valuable public speaking skills and will attend meetings presided over by girls her own age. While there are always adult advisors to provide direction, all meetings are conducted by the girls. At the community level girl members belong to local assembly.

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"Joining Together-Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders Today! Helping Young People Lead Safe, Healthy, Responsible and Contributing Lifestyles!"

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