Prevention Through Service Alliance
Welcome to
Campfire USA
"Today's Kid's, Tomorrow's Leaders"
Camp Fire USA is one of the nation's leading youth development organizations, currently serving 750,000 children and youth annually. Camp Fire USA provides all-inclusive, coeducational programs in hundreds of communities across the United States. Camp Fire USA's outcome-based core programs include youth leadership, self-reliance, after school groups, camping and environmental education and child care. Serving youth from birth to 21, Camp Fire USA helps boys and girls learn - and play - side by side in comfortable, informal settings. Our coed programs allow parents to consolidate schedules for both their daughters and sons. Camp Fire USA takes pride in its long-standing commitment to providing fun programs and services to all children and families in America. We are inclusive, open to every person in the communities we serve, welcoming children, youth and adults regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or other aspect of diversity. Camp Fire USA's mission is to build caring, confident youth and future leaders. Self-confidence and responsibility is what Camp Fire USA's Self-reliance courses are all about. Exciting programs teach young people how to: handle threats to their safety and security (including use of illegal drugs), take care of themselves in different situations, and provide service to their communities.